Thursday, August 31, 2006

I got bored...and Paul Taylor is the brand of my wicked Goggles LOL they rock!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

How does one understand something they have never heard? How do our brains work?? Is it supernatural this form of understanding??? How can it be???? But i must admit I do indeed love it!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

LOL I WON!!! Woooooo Ok back to reality now...need to forget about EBAY FOREVER!!!!

LOL I bid again...and am now winning...I don't know whay I did that LOL LOL I think it was the Spice Girl FAN I have inside of me. But come on...ok I could use the money here...but atm it's a total of $30.50 LOL and thanks to recent money increase I think I can part with $30.50...I just have to tell dad...hmmmm
Ha I have been out bid...on the spice girl Chupa chup Bin thing...I am tempted to bid again...but I don't know...and plus I don't really really want it...but at the same time...It's cool...hmmmm nah I could use the money here. Plus I can go to England and get tacky Merchendise there anyways!! Kinda sad though...being out bid...
oh well!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What makes a man...a MAN?? You see different cultures and the way men ach towards each other and how in one culture it would be so not the THING to do and in some....if you don't your like...WEirD LOL

Could you say that being a woman in well most cultures is well I guess understood and well depicted in all cultures as being...well the same.

I dont' mean to say that men around the world can't understand each other or well act in such DRASTIC differences that they initally aren't men. It's just sublte things like touching, hugging...things deemed "Homosexual" in some cultures are just what people do! I guess in some cultures a woman may not do certain things...i guess due to well Modern influences and possibly well certain fortunes...but I think it could come down to well personality as well.

Who knows...and really does it matter if we are all so different? I rather live in a world where i cna't understand about 2/3rds of this world then not be influenced by the quirks of certain cultures.

I like difference. Makes the world it is today.

Monday, August 21, 2006

What are emotions?

An Action?

A Connection?

Or Just...A Moment In Time?

Can They Dissapear?

Can They Come Back?

They grow...

They Change...

They Are In Everything...

They Make Us See...

Inside Our Hearts...

So Don't Be Afriad...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Oh and don't bid on stuff that you don't really want!! LOL I bid on a Spice Girls Chupa Chup bin lol and I'm like ahh crap shouldn't have done that!! LOL but it's cool so i dunno...
Well I had no idea but get this...there was a Jazz and Blues Bagpipe player!!! How tops is that. His name was Rufus Harley and unfortunaly he died on either 31st of July or 1st of August. Kinda cool hey! Pitty i didn't know about him until after he died!

Also recent scares that Ultra sound could harm your unborn BABY dun dun dunnn but doctors are trying to emphasise(how ever you spell that word) that mothers should still do Ultra sounds for the purpose of the babies well being...whilst it's in the womb.

Umm there was something else that was interesting but i can't remember what it was...ummm THE SPICE GIRLS AREN"T DEAD...yeah done that...

Umm yeah

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Spice Girls...will never be dead!

According to recent revelation that the Spice Girls were agoing to reunite...has of course brought back the 90's. It was speculated in July 2005 that they would be reuniting...but unfortunalty they didn't. Though other sources tell me that they have recorded a I hope that it's true.

Friday, August 18, 2006

LOL I have found the secret to great Muscles...

This seriously BUFF and I mean BUFF man was on the train in Singapore and he was drinking Soy milk!! So boys drink UP!!