Well it's been a while!!! LOL a long while...and to answer Imo''s comment...i need a passport to go to USA at the end of the year which is pretty scary...ahhhhhhh!!! gonna be awsome thoguh!
So yes what has been up i my life of oh so fantasmagoricality...uber big word...
well i have been thinking alot...alot about nothing really...so yeah bizzare yet true.
It’s weird how something so small can change your life...
There is a philosophical debate I guess you could call it about determinism and free will. It's really complicated and it came down to a couple of words...I still don't get it... probably cause I wasn't paying much attention but I wish I had now...but yeah it's pretty interesting the whole thing. See those things make you think about what you do each day of your life...do You CHOOSE to do it or are your choices just laid out for you and the path you take are already mapped out for you? Why can't we choose if that’s the case? Is there something we aren't meant to know? One of the many million dollar questions...though Terry Pratchet said it with style...42.
It's weird how things seem to change though you never really cared much about it. It's just always been there so you deal with it and become accustomed to it. You never seem to care unless it's gone. People say this about heaps of stuff...but we do take so many things for granted...
Sorry to be so philosophical and well bleh...lol
Anyway life is just dandy...cruising along...waiting to watch the rest of alexander...and then i will have lunch and then i will watch the Godfather triligy...its weird cause the first one is like R and the others are M is was liek...right...

Yes well art done by Matthew Hall
Anyway what have i done? well i have done heaps of work and done alot of sweet nothing...umm went to the architecture ball on thursday night whcih was cool we got dressed up glam rock

Well yeah that was cool as...anyway life goes on and by george i have memories..unfotunatly of guys dressed like David Bowie...scaryly enough i have his music LOL

Ryan Miglinczy
Well as my life is UBER un exciting....i will go now and be forever haunted by GLAM ROCK Memories LOL
Love KAT