Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Your stuck in a desert surrounded by water...

Your boat has been ambushed by small crustaceans and sea turtles.
Your only hope is to dance to the sand people summing up a sandstorm to blow you to the nearest island of safety.
But the only person who knows the dance was killed in a horrific accident involving chopsticks and jelly.

Thankfully you have a psychic medium that is possibly able to conjure up the spirit of the dead-person-who-knows-the-sandstorm-dance, but she only speaks greek.

Thankfully in your first semester of uni you had to take greek as a subject...however that was 20 YEARS AGO...!!!!

Thats not the least of your worries while stuck on a desert surrounded by water. You have NO ARMS!!! they were severed off by a Swordfish while you were trying to free a baby from the jaws of the Blue ringed octopus.

There are only 3 other people on the desert with you...The Psychic-Greek speaking-Meduim, The Baby you managed to pry from the Jaws of the Blue ringed octopus, the 20 something yr old who thiks he's a magician who has no left foot and You.

What will happen NEXT??