Well what is going on? Well my brother Sean came home on Saturday which is awsome still freaky having him home and stuf fnot really used to it. But it all good. He has like 2 GAME BOYS I mean one is enough...but he has the cool dual screen one...the one i wnated for my 18th!!!!

By Andy Gosling
So yeah well hmmm what is exciting?my salad roll....from miter 10.good salad roll. though pan cucina make UBER Ones!!!!!!ahh doors making weird noises...

By Katy Lambert

This is a Self portrait of Lee Madgwick....i think he is HOT..he's da artist btw!!!

Hmm finally eaten chocolate...It's weird as this stuff...it's like heaven in a wrapper...LOL I love it it's great...hmm esp milk chocolate....LOL i thought it said that it was chocolater and i was like..umm dah it's great...so yeah i am weird so yeah....kinda like the weird pic below

By Paul Roberts.

I have realised noticed that i don't write much in these blog things...i just put pics up...hmm interesting hey. Well what do i have to say? I sit at work for 2 days doing nthing or crappy jobs...talking to pple on msn...whcih i LOVE to do!! I have dot's on my nails becasue i was bored lastnight and perment markered my nails...so yeha but it all good i am painting them black tonight for my party want to get the gross bleh look. I made wings and my skirt on sunday night...now i have to see if the rest of my costume goes...but it don't have to go really hey...casue well it's disfunctional...hmm irregular...I like it. LOL I have frilly socks on! LOL

By Jam Mustafa www.cluttermagazine.com

LOL there is a trend towards the end of this hey... Hmm well I have now got 50 mins left of "work" whcih i guess is kinda cool. SO i have pu my foot up...tiz leaning on the puter thing.

Excellent now one leg is on the heater the other is on the puter... leaning back in my cahir for the last43 mins. I hope no one comes in.. cause then i would have to move and that would be bad...

Hmm well today has been eventful. I learnt about chinese cultures..and thier cooking form a 13yr old boy i met on gaia. I wish i could remeber his name i feel bad casue i forgot it...or he didn't tell me but i feel bad none the less!

YAY 20mins until I go home YAY i'll put a couple more pics up and then i will post this and pack my desk up!

Well i have 14mins left of work which is awsome...there is a man here so thats great...cause well hmm i dunno... it just is...lol i want cake. What is it about cake that is just so very cool. Is it the word cake? and how it well sounds so delicious. But what i love are cupcakes. They rock theya re the lushest things in the universe they are like small cups of euphoria! LOL YUMMM.... ooo 9 mins till take off LOL so yeah fun stuff.. lol i think i will post this and just talk on msn for the remainder 7 mins.!!! LOL Enjoy.