As i was driving to work makes me sound proffessional LOL...and i observed that a nice BMW had a poo on it. LOL and i thought to myself do all nice cars get pooed on more then crappy ones??? I know my car had an eagle poo with like all goopey bits and stuff in it...sorry but it was intriguing...and well it's a nice car might not work as well as it did 12years agao but hey it gets me around and don't guzzle fuel like some cars. I like it. It's my BABY...

Anyway ooo a big truck has stopped outside and now it's moving.I got angry at Leigh the guy who works here cause his MOTORBIKE was in a prime parking spot BUT NOOOO LEIGH WAS THERE. So i yelled at him in the car...I have ROAD RAGE!!!!!!

Well what is there?? Well i am extremly excited cause well my brother comes home in 5 DAYS HOORAY I CAN"T wait cause then He can help me paint my room whcih is gonna be awsome!! LOL I am going to paint the previous apple green and uber blue with cream and a feature wall...probley the same colour. I have a painting that has a person on it well the torso of one and i like it it looks really cool. you can't look at it close up cause you can see how crap i paint but if you look at it far away it's awasome...makes me feel better that way "). Anyway I have spent all of 6.5 hours at work today all of whcih was spent on lol so yeah. HOW DID I DO IT??? I have no idea? i cma into work sat down, and well next thing i know it's 3.50pm and i'm like oh ok...right...WICKED!!! LOL so yeah I have been told it is very sad !!!!!!! I believe Bri (she said it) and well yes i believe her! LOL

Well the weekend was awsome. I haven't laughed so much since well earlier that night but it was hilarious. I had a lot of fun and yip good to see pple. I wont' go into detail becase "THEY" know who they are!! LOL.
there are pple here and all i am doing is typing and they are freaking me out and i can't help them cause all i do at work is look pretty and say "Good morning/afternoon Power Plus Kathryn speaking" and that only happens if the phone rings...which occationally it does...which means i have to answer it and if I don't it will annoy me. LOL i started to type really fast and i can see the pple looking at me weird!! EXCELLENT *in a weird Mr Burns voice* LOL all is good. You see my job entails me to well be of help to the Power Plus company. So that means i do nothing...casue well i can't really help much bar sitting here and looking pretty. A guy has just burped LOL I was a bout to burst out laughing but refrained myself and polietly smiled...thoguh i dunno how polite you cna be if you smile after you have witnessed someone burp... and being me who has the maturity of well a boogger well it was extremly hard. Now where were his manners as he didn't even say pardon or anything liek that. I was like AHH and whne pple have no manners well i am like ahh anyway...
Well as i have well about 34 mins left of working ooo tough stuff. lol i must go and play soliatire so i am finishing this post with words of wisdom...
1 comment:
Thanks! This helped so much! I've seen a few
rather confusing blogs lately, this cleared up a lot confusion I had.
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