YAY so all is good!!!
Well today has been well ok. I still wish I was in bed asleep dreaming of well...

Well today as i was Working I thought of things... Why are little pple so little? Well it was a little girl but hey she was little compared to Leigh and it made me think for a bit..so yeah! Little pple are hard to find!!!! Sorry to all those little pple out there I LOVE YOU!!!!! but i don't love the pple in this shop even if he's like hot in a weird old guy way....*cough* *cough*. I bet the pple in the shop are able to read this!!! OOO but now i am waering my GLASSES...whcih have several smudges on them due to the fact i keep on forgetting i ma wearing them and hus result in poking my glasses in anticipation of scratching my eyes...So now i look as if I should be typing and stuff...
Flaiming chipos are cold now!!! ARG!!!
I was thinking about the colours of Eyes casue Diana the Alien at my work...she is sooo an alien cool but an alien!!! She has really grey blue eyes...and stuff. I like my eyes casue they are different colours and stuff. Dad has blue eyes which are cool and everyone else in the family have dark brown hazel eyes...i have kinda olive yellow green blue hazel eyes they ROCK!!! NA dthen i was like imagine if you had orange eyes (naturally) that would be freaky!! Cool but freaky!! I know the person who has entered..His name is Denis Paige he's cool. His wife is a legend. Really cool clothes and stuff.

LOL i was writing a cheque today and it was for $999.90. and i was like writing it and i wrote nine hundred and ninety nine dollars and ninety centy LOL I was like HAHAHAHA it was funny!!!
Do u recon that pple are really predictable? I know Diana the alein is!!! LOL she cam einto work and asked us how our weekends were. And She said "Mine was good" and i said to myself and we're gonna hear about it...and we did. Not saying it's a bad thing lol but like it's just predictable!! I wonder if I am preditable...i'd like to think i wasn't but hey i could be worng...lol but there are some pple who are like routine and stuff for a reason but spontanuity is uber cool!!

I feel like a kid i'm eating a ham and cheese sandwitch lol love it...hmmm chocolate milk Yummy yummy!!! It's cool cause i well i dunno...I like to think i am still a kid...which i highly believe i am just because well i have playdoh, barbie dolls, teddies, LOVE to eat kinder suprises!!!! LOL i love the suprise!!

Why are paper clips so frustrating??? The simplest piece of stationary is THE MOST frustrating cause they all stick in a box and then get attched to one another...AAAAHHHHHH!!! stupid things....

What is it with anal pple??? arg it's frustrating LOL ARG be un-anal!!!! what ever the opposite of anal is i think maybe chaotic....lol I feel kinda sorry for anal pple...i must admit i get to a certain stage and then i have to clean....I go nuts...though the weird thing is my room is ussally a mess..chaotic in a way...only by my bed though.... tiz weird...though i have to clean it and my bathroom tonight and keep it clean for a week or at least till friday!!! I have organised chaos i think i know where everything is...most of the time and yeah i just organise the chaos in my rooma nd it all good...!!!i get angry and clean....tiz weird or on sunday nights at around 9ish i am like Mrs Doubtfire LOL cleaning EVERYTHING in my room.....it gets anoyoing though cause i wan tto sleep but i'm all awake... ARG FURUSTRTATION...i need to learn how to type.
Mrs doubtfire Great movie...

all right now for hte rest of the things on my list...
Food...expensive and well it's gonna kill me...

It's easy to get stuck on a chair.

Bra's are OH so annoying at times...straps...
Ink Stamps...ingenious ideas IMO

Breakfast...most important meal of the day and i had eggs on toast with ham for Breakky tday!

Cartoons...Why can't we bee in cartoon form...theoreticlaly we would be immortal...

Attraction...what makes pple attractive?? What is it that causes us to be attracted or like someone???

Whyt can't we be like cod and change our sex?

What started the begining of the English language? Who created it? And why????

Truckies ROCK!!!

Red nails and old ladies? Why do old ladies wear red nail polish? LOL makes em feel firey again!!! Lol the old lady at a cafe inspired me to paint my naikls red...so i spent $3 to achieve that...

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