I have just realised that figure skating is a pretty crap sport... Hell hard...esspecially if you fall like this lady did..it was liek
SWOOSH~~~~POKE....AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! THUMP????>>>???//?.?.z?>Z LOL i felt sorry for her..they would have done better if they didn't fall over and the dude didn't slip over...after his little spinny roundy thing...
WOOOOOWWWWW TALL DUDE short LAdy...LOLi'm a plane..wow good spinny thing///WOOOOOOO he like picked her up and then spunn her round...and she landed it! It kinda sucks how u can only spin for like 5 seconfd max otherwise you rwhole rourtine can just be you spinnning....thesee guys are going to do well...!!!crap music...bummer they got 56.97 but they are in 1st which is pretty cool...thery r from poland
ooohhhh more pple...good side by side tripple toe...they spin around 2gether...nice covery on the twisty thingooo another recovery...ok they jsut did a pendulim into a star and then the dismount was in to a fish split...Nicely done as well!!!!oo death spiral...ooo might have a deduction cause of the timing of the thingy but otherwise a solid performance...ok music though! oj they got ....62.76...now the leaders but did get the time deduction
wowo yeah i thought everyone should see the unique and strangeness of ice skating
Randomly i got a new phone cause my other contrac thing ran out...so it's black and a flippy phone it's cool has like lots of cool things...but stupidly no games... LOL cool though
oooo chinese champions in china wow...varition of the haganiny coreography...good side by side tripple toe....throws for the chines ppleare awsome....nivce work.......ooo posture for him is better then her...the uber spiral turniny throw thing nice.... ok music....timing good...oooooo complicated spinny things...good solid performance...high quailty..might not do so well with the side by side triple toe loops...could loose points cause the the under spinny thing so only a douplde loops thing...bummer 58.64...2nd cause of the triple toe thing stuff up!
this is pretty cool commentating forthe figure skating...not that well i know anything abou it..i just relay wht the commentators say and add in my 2cents...it's supported by OLAY lol
ahh she has a scary smile...this is the dancing thing of pple...skating dance...lots of curves means your a pro skater...ooooo a swan looking pple LOL from Israel...ummmmmmmmmmmm see a problem there with ice....wowo they were REALLY GOOOD...ok bac kto the champioinships
reigning champs..lol SO A SVEN FROM SWEDEN GUY..BUT HE'S FORM RUSSIA...GOod side by side foort work timing igood.they have the look...whcih is essential...but still need to have uber dificult moves to be champs...nice performance....but still could do more...difficulty dunno ho wthey went...
I swear i have seen this before...or maybe it was just the replays and suff...hmmm food...
om now to the singe womens...japanese lady is doing a Wako Jako....black white thing...solid but still has issues...boot problems and yet still confidents...bummer 57.56...flips cost her the bummers
chinese one..good opening..and works well with the music...solid triple loop wit hard outside edge take off wowo she did well nice floating kinda thing abou ther...did well i think looked good had a solid spining things goign on...thoguh it kinda is different when you get the judges to judge...nooo what that suckec 3rd place!!!
ooh this person i sfrom Kiev LOL...uber orange dress thing...she doesn't ttake advangtage og her leading up to the spinins things... liking the music...she took up skating to save her life...weird hey... she did well though but was it enough to get the 70.23 ppl eneed to get 1st and kick shlenkaslkjgbakdjgb out of the lead?! bummer 52..balh
Ok this girl is 15 and goign for champions...in japn...bummer....goodo tooo...again orange suit kinda red orange.....simple and effective i guess...classic music...doing really well to get points for her spinny things...mimicing the leader almost...nice worl....well done spinny thing a gein....effortless lol wow new PB and 2nd place!!
well thats all for today.... so yes...skating great stuff...
Sunday, November 27, 2005

I WANT A PET ALBATROSS...dad said no Just like he said no to my Pink mowhawk...Butt...oh well life goes on and penguins are pink.I also would liek to say SORRY for anyone who i have missed with there birthdays...HAPPY BIRTHDAY and i hope your cake eating resembled this little person here...featured above...
So this lovely cold sunday arfternoon has led me to believe i need to actually type stuff on this blog thing and not just hope that pple actually COMMENT!!! Yes...wink wink nudge nudge...say no more YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!! At least i hope you do or i have just made a noob of myself.
I must apolagise to the CULT OF CHICKEN for the lack of contribution i have made...well not made... so i apolagise...
Well what has happened...i have finished UNI YAY!!!! PArty...and passedw hich is UBER COOL...ummm i was in Hobart for a week i think...then went to Lake St Clair and worked for friggn 15days and then came home and now am home till...thursday where i go to South Africa for a Month and then go to Sydney for New Years and then I will sleep and then go and work for a bit i think. Unfortunatly due to BUTTS of Travel pple my flights to america got cancelled TWICE!!!! and thus we aren't goign until next yr sometime...so yes kinda a butt...the only agressive bad news of my day...
Congrats to Clari for passing her flying things...wow could so skam a life somewhere with her...LOL how many pple can say that??? LOL like skam a lift IN A PLANE i ment not like Say.." could skam a lift.." anyone can say it as long as they can say it...
Yes anyway...hmmmmmm I have decided i will one day turn into a HERMIT!!! In town with Launceston friends, MEH_RY and Simon and i saw so many pple it was not FUNNY...i saw:
Emma-2yrs since i Last saw her
elle-2 yrs since i last saw her
Mary and Simon-ummm 1st of November??? sometime
Claire Hudson
Anna Pearce
Mark Latham
PPle form Church
Caroline Hawker
Zoe-i know who she is...
Kate Bennett
*half these pple i dont' care a bout....they are un-important but i still saw them*
And just random pple as you do ...I also saw Melinda on wednesday in town...another Launceston friend of mine...so i decided that i would become a hermit to avoid humna contact...LOL life is peachy
So yes he reasoning behind my strange obsession to becom e ahermit...i reacon it would be pretty cool but be a bit of a bummer!! LOL i reacon ..no social life..but who needs a social life bnow that the internet is so popular...LOL I love the internet. I remeber when we first got it so many yrs ago in Perth and how amazing it was LOL ahhh the days of innocence...*cough*
Fantastic...umm YAY so yes...this whole new way of attaching pictures kinda sux...considering i attach lots of em...so i will publish this and see what happens...
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
Hey well it's been a while...oh yes it has... and well li have done an amazing test...whcih is kinda scary IN MY OPINION>>> DUN DUN DUNNN>>>and my neopet....A COW...is dying...cause i haven't fed it...suprise suprise....http://www.neopets.com/process_changepet.phtml?new_active_pet=the_cow_eats see a dying green cow......
hmm sinister...
LOL I took this test and this is what it said..kinda one of those personality tezst things...I AM BORED>>>>
Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic..
Orderliness results were low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Extraversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
trait snapshot:
messy, disorganized, social, tough, outgoing, rarely worries, self revealing, open, risk taker, likes the unknown, likes large parties, makes friends easily, likes to stand out, likes to make fun of people, reckless, optimistic, positive, strong, does not like to be alone, ambivalent about chaos, abstract, impractical, not good at saving money, fearless, trusting, thrill seeker, not rule conscious, enjoys leadership, strange, loves food, abstract, rarely irritated, anti-authority, attracted to the counter culture
AHHHH hahahahaha you got to read it...http://www.deviantart.com/print/208509/
hmm sinister...
LOL I took this test and this is what it said..kinda one of those personality tezst things...I AM BORED>>>>
Stability results were high which suggests you are very relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic..
Orderliness results were low which suggests you are overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense too often of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.
Extraversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.
trait snapshot:
messy, disorganized, social, tough, outgoing, rarely worries, self revealing, open, risk taker, likes the unknown, likes large parties, makes friends easily, likes to stand out, likes to make fun of people, reckless, optimistic, positive, strong, does not like to be alone, ambivalent about chaos, abstract, impractical, not good at saving money, fearless, trusting, thrill seeker, not rule conscious, enjoys leadership, strange, loves food, abstract, rarely irritated, anti-authority, attracted to the counter culture
AHHHH hahahahaha you got to read it...http://www.deviantart.com/print/208509/
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Well it's been a while!!! LOL a long while...and to answer Imo''s comment...i need a passport to go to USA at the end of the year which is pretty scary...ahhhhhhh!!! gonna be awsome thoguh!
So yes what has been up i my life of oh so fantasmagoricality...uber big word...
well i have been thinking alot...alot about nothing really...so yeah bizzare yet true.
It’s weird how something so small can change your life...
There is a philosophical debate I guess you could call it about determinism and free will. It's really complicated and it came down to a couple of words...I still don't get it... probably cause I wasn't paying much attention but I wish I had now...but yeah it's pretty interesting the whole thing. See those things make you think about what you do each day of your life...do You CHOOSE to do it or are your choices just laid out for you and the path you take are already mapped out for you? Why can't we choose if that’s the case? Is there something we aren't meant to know? One of the many million dollar questions...though Terry Pratchet said it with style...42.
It's weird how things seem to change though you never really cared much about it. It's just always been there so you deal with it and become accustomed to it. You never seem to care unless it's gone. People say this about heaps of stuff...but we do take so many things for granted...
Sorry to be so philosophical and well bleh...lol
Anyway life is just dandy...cruising along...waiting to watch the rest of alexander...and then i will have lunch and then i will watch the Godfather triligy...its weird cause the first one is like R and the others are M is was liek...right...

Yes well art done by Matthew Hall
Anyway what have i done? well i have done heaps of work and done alot of sweet nothing...umm went to the architecture ball on thursday night whcih was cool we got dressed up glam rock

NO Joke...there were pple like this at the ball...GUYS AHHHH it was BAD!!!
Well yeah that was cool as...anyway life goes on and by george i have memories..unfotunatly of guys dressed like David Bowie...scaryly enough i have his music LOL

Ryan Miglinczy
Well as my life is UBER un exciting....i will go now and be forever haunted by GLAM ROCK Memories LOL
Love KAT
Well it's been a while!!! LOL a long while...and to answer Imo''s comment...i need a passport to go to USA at the end of the year which is pretty scary...ahhhhhhh!!! gonna be awsome thoguh!
So yes what has been up i my life of oh so fantasmagoricality...uber big word...
well i have been thinking alot...alot about nothing really...so yeah bizzare yet true.
It’s weird how something so small can change your life...
There is a philosophical debate I guess you could call it about determinism and free will. It's really complicated and it came down to a couple of words...I still don't get it... probably cause I wasn't paying much attention but I wish I had now...but yeah it's pretty interesting the whole thing. See those things make you think about what you do each day of your life...do You CHOOSE to do it or are your choices just laid out for you and the path you take are already mapped out for you? Why can't we choose if that’s the case? Is there something we aren't meant to know? One of the many million dollar questions...though Terry Pratchet said it with style...42.
It's weird how things seem to change though you never really cared much about it. It's just always been there so you deal with it and become accustomed to it. You never seem to care unless it's gone. People say this about heaps of stuff...but we do take so many things for granted...
Sorry to be so philosophical and well bleh...lol
Anyway life is just dandy...cruising along...waiting to watch the rest of alexander...and then i will have lunch and then i will watch the Godfather triligy...its weird cause the first one is like R and the others are M is was liek...right...

Yes well art done by Matthew Hall
Anyway what have i done? well i have done heaps of work and done alot of sweet nothing...umm went to the architecture ball on thursday night whcih was cool we got dressed up glam rock

Well yeah that was cool as...anyway life goes on and by george i have memories..unfotunatly of guys dressed like David Bowie...scaryly enough i have his music LOL

Ryan Miglinczy
Well as my life is UBER un exciting....i will go now and be forever haunted by GLAM ROCK Memories LOL
Love KAT
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Well it's 4.17pm I have a little time left of work.
Today has been cool as I got an email form a friend of mine in Perth who i wrote to last week ish which was awsome!!! It's soo cool to hear form pple again. She hasnt' changed much still going out with James Whitworth..we had a nickname for him but I cna't remeber it...bummer as!!! It was crap but funny!!!Oh it's cool cool to hear fom her and to get the latest on the happenings of ewveryon there ITS COOL COOL LOL LOVE IT!!!

What else has happened today? Ummmmmmmm I am getting a cool stamp which i'll be AWSOME i wanna tell YOU SOOOO bad but I can't cuazse it will ruin the suprise for the pple who read this and are comming to my party. I think i have said to much!!! --
HEy it's the palce I was Born!!!
Well hmmmm today there was an angry lady at the post office cause i wanted to get my passport in BUT Noooooooo I was born after 1986 soo i ahve to prove stuff....like getting dad birth certificate cause i was born in Johannesburg (see above pic)and blah blah blah...so i pissed at that but b4 that i was angry at he passport man cause i went there 2mins b4 9 and he's like 2 mins nad i was liek AHHHHHHHHHHH strngle YOU I WILL!!!!!
so yes and then I burnt my tongue on my hot chocolatye form the Roman oven or what ever it's called...it's a nice cafe makes good hot choc's though the best is bejangles they ROCK!!!!
Today has been cool as I got an email form a friend of mine in Perth who i wrote to last week ish which was awsome!!! It's soo cool to hear form pple again. She hasnt' changed much still going out with James Whitworth..we had a nickname for him but I cna't remeber it...bummer as!!! It was crap but funny!!!Oh it's cool cool to hear fom her and to get the latest on the happenings of ewveryon there ITS COOL COOL LOL LOVE IT!!!

What else has happened today? Ummmmmmmm I am getting a cool stamp which i'll be AWSOME i wanna tell YOU SOOOO bad but I can't cuazse it will ruin the suprise for the pple who read this and are comming to my party. I think i have said to much!!! --

Well hmmmm today there was an angry lady at the post office cause i wanted to get my passport in BUT Noooooooo I was born after 1986 soo i ahve to prove stuff....like getting dad birth certificate cause i was born in Johannesburg (see above pic)and blah blah blah...so i pissed at that but b4 that i was angry at he passport man cause i went there 2mins b4 9 and he's like 2 mins nad i was liek AHHHHHHHHHHH strngle YOU I WILL!!!!!

Monday, July 04, 2005
Well now i ahve finished what i had to do and now crappy pple are here so now i can't eat my chippies...oh wait YAY Now I CAN Like this Kid i am EXCITED!!! Meet Tui Dougiamas!!!

YAY so all is good!!!
Well today has been well ok. I still wish I was in bed asleep dreaming of well...
Sailors....Though I am worried about these guys cause the dude in the shorts is wearing heals???!!! They look very scary actually...so maybe i won't be dreaming of sailors...I think only a few pple would get the significance of sailors!!!!LOL
Well today as i was Working I thought of things... Why are little pple so little? Well it was a little girl but hey she was little compared to Leigh and it made me think for a bit..so yeah! Little pple are hard to find!!!! Sorry to all those little pple out there I LOVE YOU!!!!! but i don't love the pple in this shop even if he's like hot in a weird old guy way....*cough* *cough*. I bet the pple in the shop are able to read this!!! OOO but now i am waering my GLASSES...whcih have several smudges on them due to the fact i keep on forgetting i ma wearing them and hus result in poking my glasses in anticipation of scratching my eyes...So now i look as if I should be typing and stuff...
Flaiming chipos are cold now!!! ARG!!!
I was thinking about the colours of Eyes casue Diana the Alien at my work...she is sooo an alien cool but an alien!!! She has really grey blue eyes...and stuff. I like my eyes casue they are different colours and stuff. Dad has blue eyes which are cool and everyone else in the family have dark brown hazel eyes...i have kinda olive yellow green blue hazel eyes they ROCK!!! NA dthen i was like imagine if you had orange eyes (naturally) that would be freaky!! Cool but freaky!! I know the person who has entered..His name is Denis Paige he's cool. His wife is a legend. Really cool clothes and stuff.
LOL i was writing a cheque today and it was for $999.90. and i was like writing it and i wrote nine hundred and ninety nine dollars and ninety centy LOL I was like HAHAHAHA it was funny!!!
Do u recon that pple are really predictable? I know Diana the alein is!!! LOL she cam einto work and asked us how our weekends were. And She said "Mine was good" and i said to myself and we're gonna hear about it...and we did. Not saying it's a bad thing lol but like it's just predictable!! I wonder if I am preditable...i'd like to think i wasn't but hey i could be worng...lol but there are some pple who are like routine and stuff for a reason but spontanuity is uber cool!!
THIS MAKES SENSE!! NOT!!! Oh yes i am ment to predict a suprise...isn't thaat for those fortune teller pple??? With a crystal bal thingy.
Like this lady...which brings me back to the other week. I was in huonville doing passport stuff and i drove past hippies (they are cool...very weird but cool) and they were like laying on the front of their comby LOL and using Energy to help the lady lying down...it was weird...LOL i got my fortune told by the fortune teller in the cat and fiddle arcade thingy LOL it was cool as...i think they just use it by your stars and thats how most things work in my opinion anyway...I like the whole star thing cause well it's interesting...my dad keeps saying "oh thats the Gemini in you" cause i am born on his b'day!!! he's like blah blah balah....lol i ready my stars in the Australian Magazine so yeah! it's my thing!!I like it...has cool piccies!! I also look at the houses at the back they look cool me being an architect etc...i think they do anyway.......................
I feel like a kid i'm eating a ham and cheese sandwitch lol love it...hmmm chocolate milk Yummy yummy!!! It's cool cause i well i dunno...I like to think i am still a kid...which i highly believe i am just because well i have playdoh, barbie dolls, teddies, LOVE to eat kinder suprises!!!! LOL i love the suprise!!
THIS IS A BAD SUPRISE!!! LOL Usally i gert a puzzle in em which goes on Simons Door who lives in Launceston...and no one cares that 3 ambulences have driven past today...I KNOW 3 HOW INSANE!!!!! AND insane is also the pink CAR!!! OH MY a pink car thats cool LOL...i would never drinve a pink car unless it was a barbi car LOL other then that no way!
Why are paper clips so frustrating??? The simplest piece of stationary is THE MOST frustrating cause they all stick in a box and then get attched to one another...AAAAHHHHHH!!! stupid things....
Only half decent pic of red nails to show you what my nails look like cause i painted them red and my thumbs ar black...have to change that...though i don't have hands like that...they arent' my hands.... The picture and the below pictures were taked by Debra Sugerman. They are very...mystafing and intriguing.

I have no idea what it is.... I think it might be perfume????
What is it with anal pple??? arg it's frustrating LOL ARG be un-anal!!!! what ever the opposite of anal is i think maybe chaotic....lol I feel kinda sorry for anal pple...i must admit i get to a certain stage and then i have to clean....I go nuts...though the weird thing is my room is ussally a mess..chaotic in a way...only by my bed though.... tiz weird...though i have to clean it and my bathroom tonight and keep it clean for a week or at least till friday!!! I have organised chaos i think i know where everything is...most of the time and yeah i just organise the chaos in my rooma nd it all good...!!!i get angry and clean....tiz weird or on sunday nights at around 9ish i am like Mrs Doubtfire LOL cleaning EVERYTHING in my room.....it gets anoyoing though cause i wan tto sleep but i'm all awake... ARG FURUSTRTATION...i need to learn how to type.
Mrs doubtfire Great movie...
all right now for hte rest of the things on my list...
Food...expensive and well it's gonna kill me...
It's easy to get stuck on a chair.
Bra's are OH so annoying at times...straps...
Ink Stamps...ingenious ideas IMO
Breakfast...most important meal of the day and i had eggs on toast with ham for Breakky tday!
Cartoons...Why can't we bee in cartoon form...theoreticlaly we would be immortal...
Attraction...what makes pple attractive?? What is it that causes us to be attracted or like someone???
Whyt can't we be like cod and change our sex?
Be kinda freaky i guess if your having sex and well you wouldn't know if they were a man or a woman...that would be UBER weird...beyond uber weird just BLEH
What started the begining of the English language? Who created it? And why????
Truckies ROCK!!!
Red nails and old ladies? Why do old ladies wear red nail polish? LOL makes em feel firey again!!! Lol the old lady at a cafe inspired me to paint my naikls red...so i spent $3 to achieve that...

YAY so all is good!!!
Well today has been well ok. I still wish I was in bed asleep dreaming of well...

Well today as i was Working I thought of things... Why are little pple so little? Well it was a little girl but hey she was little compared to Leigh and it made me think for a bit..so yeah! Little pple are hard to find!!!! Sorry to all those little pple out there I LOVE YOU!!!!! but i don't love the pple in this shop even if he's like hot in a weird old guy way....*cough* *cough*. I bet the pple in the shop are able to read this!!! OOO but now i am waering my GLASSES...whcih have several smudges on them due to the fact i keep on forgetting i ma wearing them and hus result in poking my glasses in anticipation of scratching my eyes...So now i look as if I should be typing and stuff...
Flaiming chipos are cold now!!! ARG!!!
I was thinking about the colours of Eyes casue Diana the Alien at my work...she is sooo an alien cool but an alien!!! She has really grey blue eyes...and stuff. I like my eyes casue they are different colours and stuff. Dad has blue eyes which are cool and everyone else in the family have dark brown hazel eyes...i have kinda olive yellow green blue hazel eyes they ROCK!!! NA dthen i was like imagine if you had orange eyes (naturally) that would be freaky!! Cool but freaky!! I know the person who has entered..His name is Denis Paige he's cool. His wife is a legend. Really cool clothes and stuff.

LOL i was writing a cheque today and it was for $999.90. and i was like writing it and i wrote nine hundred and ninety nine dollars and ninety centy LOL I was like HAHAHAHA it was funny!!!
Do u recon that pple are really predictable? I know Diana the alein is!!! LOL she cam einto work and asked us how our weekends were. And She said "Mine was good" and i said to myself and we're gonna hear about it...and we did. Not saying it's a bad thing lol but like it's just predictable!! I wonder if I am preditable...i'd like to think i wasn't but hey i could be worng...lol but there are some pple who are like routine and stuff for a reason but spontanuity is uber cool!!

I feel like a kid i'm eating a ham and cheese sandwitch lol love it...hmmm chocolate milk Yummy yummy!!! It's cool cause i well i dunno...I like to think i am still a kid...which i highly believe i am just because well i have playdoh, barbie dolls, teddies, LOVE to eat kinder suprises!!!! LOL i love the suprise!!

Why are paper clips so frustrating??? The simplest piece of stationary is THE MOST frustrating cause they all stick in a box and then get attched to one another...AAAAHHHHHH!!! stupid things....

What is it with anal pple??? arg it's frustrating LOL ARG be un-anal!!!! what ever the opposite of anal is i think maybe chaotic....lol I feel kinda sorry for anal pple...i must admit i get to a certain stage and then i have to clean....I go nuts...though the weird thing is my room is ussally a mess..chaotic in a way...only by my bed though.... tiz weird...though i have to clean it and my bathroom tonight and keep it clean for a week or at least till friday!!! I have organised chaos i think i know where everything is...most of the time and yeah i just organise the chaos in my rooma nd it all good...!!!i get angry and clean....tiz weird or on sunday nights at around 9ish i am like Mrs Doubtfire LOL cleaning EVERYTHING in my room.....it gets anoyoing though cause i wan tto sleep but i'm all awake... ARG FURUSTRTATION...i need to learn how to type.
Mrs doubtfire Great movie...

all right now for hte rest of the things on my list...
Food...expensive and well it's gonna kill me...

It's easy to get stuck on a chair.

Bra's are OH so annoying at times...straps...
Ink Stamps...ingenious ideas IMO

Breakfast...most important meal of the day and i had eggs on toast with ham for Breakky tday!

Cartoons...Why can't we bee in cartoon form...theoreticlaly we would be immortal...

Attraction...what makes pple attractive?? What is it that causes us to be attracted or like someone???

Whyt can't we be like cod and change our sex?

What started the begining of the English language? Who created it? And why????

Truckies ROCK!!!

Red nails and old ladies? Why do old ladies wear red nail polish? LOL makes em feel firey again!!! Lol the old lady at a cafe inspired me to paint my naikls red...so i spent $3 to achieve that...

Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Well today is the first time i have decided to mkae a new addition to my blog...yesterday i was in the middle of one but some dude in melb needed the puter so i was like grrr...and it was UBER freaky cause it was like the puter had a mind of it's own..lol weird as! I did work yesterday and today...kinda making sure what the pple had we had...checking bills and stuff with records..sounds hell complex...easy as..until u get to a funky one where u put it on a pile with other funky ones!
Well what is going on? Well my brother Sean came home on Saturday which is awsome still freaky having him home and stuf fnot really used to it. But it all good. He has like 2 GAME BOYS I mean one is enough...but he has the cool dual screen one...the one i wnated for my 18th!!!!
<----- I want IT !!!!!! 
By Andy Gosling
So yeah well hmmm what is exciting?my salad roll....from miter 10.good salad roll. though pan cucina make UBER Ones!!!!!!ahh doors making weird noises...

By Katy Lambert

This is a Self portrait of Lee Madgwick....i think he is HOT..he's da artist btw!!!
This is a movie i would like to see...be like UBER UBER scary i reacon...but hmmmm i should go to video city or blockbusters to get it hey...hmm scared.
oooOOOOO cool as...By Ralph Tiger.
Hmm finally eaten chocolate...It's weird as this stuff...it's like heaven in a wrapper...LOL I love it it's great...hmm esp milk chocolate....LOL i thought it said that it was chocolater and i was like..umm dah it's great...so yeah i am weird so yeah....kinda like the weird pic below
By Genevieve Rainey...note she is a singer and art work..very FREE yet again...
lol Dad wants a BBQ!! How cool! LOL I don't think we have ever had a BBQ

By Melvin Galapon. Very cool....
LOL in protest of Global Warming...clever
By Paul Roberts.
LOL I LOVE IT By Jamal Mustafa
This is By Allison Beaumont.
By Christopher Harrington.
I have realised noticed that i don't write much in these blog things...i just put pics up...hmm interesting hey. Well what do i have to say? I sit at work for 2 days doing nthing or crappy jobs...talking to pple on msn...whcih i LOVE to do!! I have dot's on my nails becasue i was bored lastnight and perment markered my nails...so yeha but it all good i am painting them black tonight for my party want to get the gross bleh look. I made wings and my skirt on sunday night...now i have to see if the rest of my costume goes...but it don't have to go really hey...casue well it's disfunctional...hmm irregular...I like it. LOL I have frilly socks on! LOL

By Jam Mustafa www.cluttermagazine.com
By Kerry Hussain. Very cool!
By Lia Cumming
By Matthew Brookes.
Both of these are done By Andrew Turner. Very VEry cool.
<--Sibling Rivalry Both By Christopher McGeachie
By Axel Gutschenreiter
By Anthony Pike
LOL there is a trend towards the end of this hey... Hmm well I have now got 50 mins left of "work" whcih i guess is kinda cool. SO i have pu my foot up...tiz leaning on the puter thing.
By Saban Kazim
Excellent now one leg is on the heater the other is on the puter... leaning back in my cahir for the last43 mins. I hope no one comes in.. cause then i would have to move and that would be bad...
By Holly Lanagan.
By Nadia El Meallem.
Hmm well today has been eventful. I learnt about chinese cultures..and thier cooking form a 13yr old boy i met on gaia. I wish i could remeber his name i feel bad casue i forgot it...or he didn't tell me but i feel bad none the less!
By Simon Vince
By Sedef Kuzanli. Interesting Info.
By Charlotte Louise Robinson
I don't get it.... By James Domine.
YAY 20mins until I go home YAY i'll put a couple more pics up and then i will post this and pack my desk up!
By Christopher Stables
Well i have 14mins left of work which is awsome...there is a man here so thats great...cause well hmm i dunno... it just is...lol i want cake. What is it about cake that is just so very cool. Is it the word cake? and how it well sounds so delicious. But what i love are cupcakes. They rock theya re the lushest things in the universe they are like small cups of euphoria! LOL YUMMM.... ooo 9 mins till take off LOL so yeah fun stuff.. lol i think i will post this and just talk on msn for the remainder 7 mins.!!! LOL Enjoy.
Well what is going on? Well my brother Sean came home on Saturday which is awsome still freaky having him home and stuf fnot really used to it. But it all good. He has like 2 GAME BOYS I mean one is enough...but he has the cool dual screen one...the one i wnated for my 18th!!!!

By Andy Gosling
So yeah well hmmm what is exciting?my salad roll....from miter 10.good salad roll. though pan cucina make UBER Ones!!!!!!ahh doors making weird noises...

By Katy Lambert

This is a Self portrait of Lee Madgwick....i think he is HOT..he's da artist btw!!!

Hmm finally eaten chocolate...It's weird as this stuff...it's like heaven in a wrapper...LOL I love it it's great...hmm esp milk chocolate....LOL i thought it said that it was chocolater and i was like..umm dah it's great...so yeah i am weird so yeah....kinda like the weird pic below

By Paul Roberts.

I have realised noticed that i don't write much in these blog things...i just put pics up...hmm interesting hey. Well what do i have to say? I sit at work for 2 days doing nthing or crappy jobs...talking to pple on msn...whcih i LOVE to do!! I have dot's on my nails becasue i was bored lastnight and perment markered my nails...so yeha but it all good i am painting them black tonight for my party want to get the gross bleh look. I made wings and my skirt on sunday night...now i have to see if the rest of my costume goes...but it don't have to go really hey...casue well it's disfunctional...hmm irregular...I like it. LOL I have frilly socks on! LOL

By Jam Mustafa www.cluttermagazine.com

LOL there is a trend towards the end of this hey... Hmm well I have now got 50 mins left of "work" whcih i guess is kinda cool. SO i have pu my foot up...tiz leaning on the puter thing.

Excellent now one leg is on the heater the other is on the puter... leaning back in my cahir for the last43 mins. I hope no one comes in.. cause then i would have to move and that would be bad...

Hmm well today has been eventful. I learnt about chinese cultures..and thier cooking form a 13yr old boy i met on gaia. I wish i could remeber his name i feel bad casue i forgot it...or he didn't tell me but i feel bad none the less!

YAY 20mins until I go home YAY i'll put a couple more pics up and then i will post this and pack my desk up!

Well i have 14mins left of work which is awsome...there is a man here so thats great...cause well hmm i dunno... it just is...lol i want cake. What is it about cake that is just so very cool. Is it the word cake? and how it well sounds so delicious. But what i love are cupcakes. They rock theya re the lushest things in the universe they are like small cups of euphoria! LOL YUMMM.... ooo 9 mins till take off LOL so yeah fun stuff.. lol i think i will post this and just talk on msn for the remainder 7 mins.!!! LOL Enjoy.
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