So as of today this is my life...
Monday (today)-History
Tuesday-Stage and Set Design + History
Wednesday-Stage and Set design Client meeting...AHHHHHH +History
Thursday- History Presentation
Friday- History Essay
Saturday-Essay +Design+Friends
Monday-Design+ Essay
Tuesday-Design + Essay
Wednesday -Design + Essay
Thursday- Essay Due
Saturday-Design +BTD
Sunday -Sleep
My next two weeks...and on top of that I have to organise ITALY..DUN DUN DUN Yes i am going to the boot!! Sooo friggin scared and freaked out and stressed...but AHHHH life's like a box a choclotes you never know what ya gonna get! LOL Forest gump a LEGEND!!!!
Yes i have been OFFICALLY ACCEPTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA...IN italy between florence and venice. I dunno which one come first. SO yes!!! i am goign to italy...scared...petrefied...worried...stressed...everthing at one...good thing i have skin hey!
So as a result I will proble be having a bye bye party...i dunno if that jsut totally killed the whole "Enthusiam" of the word PARTY or jsut my dull cold and morbid...stressed mood??? hmm but i have biscuits i don't reallly want to eat but hey they are here so i am trying to eat them...strange...hmm yes... ok
Umm what else...i have m ring back !!! thanks to Erica who searched for it in Parliment gardens amongst leaves...I went for a 12hr drive...casue i felt like it...and lost my ring in hobart throwing leaves around!!! HEHEHEHEeeee....evil!!! \/
So yes umm love life...can be described as I am the turtle and i am being EATEN, ATTAKED, DEVOURED, KILLED by a Shark...catch my drift?? LOL so yes..I am now...trying to recover form the GRRR ANGER moment from the SHARK...and be a de-limbed turtled drifting in the ocean...hopefully alive...dunno how it's going though...we shall see...

It's the best i could find...kinda worried at looking at thing devour other things...bleh...well i can indeed ensire you that tiger sharks like turtles...bleh
So yes i am now about to go back to my fantastic POWER POINT PRESENTATION ON A STUPID BUILDING that looks weird go to and thats it...the weird building!
Intersting but...
PARTY HARD ROCK ON WOOT-theres somethign that hasn't been around for a while!!!
Yo Katty :)
Was gr8 seeing you 2day, yay!
Get on with your work and stop msging me about rem sleep!!!!!!!
Mmmmmm, sllllleeeeeeeppppppppp . . . I'm going 2 bed early 2night :)
Luv Erica
PS I will now go take my own advice and write my essay on caffeine. I think I'll need some caffeine to get through it . . . but will that help?! Shall find out . . .
PPS Am watching the news and they had a section on Britney Spears and how she is a bad parent/drives with her son on her lap/dropped her baby. And they said the child welfare people are onto her, and get this, they said "she promises not to drop her baby one more time." Grrrrrrrooooooaaaaaaaannnn!
PS Must . . . work . . . NOW!
Hey, Sparks!!
LOL i was thinking on my way back that i have seen you everytime i have RANDOMLY come back to hobart it's been great! LOL YAY
LOL my work is sooo screwed and i am DEAD!!! LOL
Yes random dude was scary and now...well AHHHHHHH i am scared for you!!!
Hope work is all good sailing form here!!!
Britney+ BANG=DEad!!
HAve a good one!!!
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