Sunday, November 26, 2006
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006

LOL I bid again...and am now winning...I don't know whay I did that LOL LOL I think it was the Spice Girl FAN I have inside of me. But come on...ok I could use the money here...but atm it's a total of $30.50 LOL and thanks to recent money increase I think I can part with $30.50...I just have to tell dad...hmmmm
Ha I have been out bid...on the spice girl Chupa chup Bin thing...I am tempted to bid again...but I don't know...and plus I don't really really want it...but at the same time...It's cool...hmmmm nah I could use the money here. Plus I can go to England and get tacky Merchendise there anyways!! Kinda sad though...being out bid...
oh well!
oh well!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
What makes a man...a MAN?? You see different cultures and the way men ach towards each other and how in one culture it would be so not the THING to do and in some....if you don't your like...WEirD LOL
Could you say that being a woman in well most cultures is well I guess understood and well depicted in all cultures as being...well the same.
I dont' mean to say that men around the world can't understand each other or well act in such DRASTIC differences that they initally aren't men. It's just sublte things like touching, hugging...things deemed "Homosexual" in some cultures are just what people do! I guess in some cultures a woman may not do certain things...i guess due to well Modern influences and possibly well certain fortunes...but I think it could come down to well personality as well.
Who knows...and really does it matter if we are all so different? I rather live in a world where i cna't understand about 2/3rds of this world then not be influenced by the quirks of certain cultures.
I like difference. Makes the world it is today.
Could you say that being a woman in well most cultures is well I guess understood and well depicted in all cultures as being...well the same.
I dont' mean to say that men around the world can't understand each other or well act in such DRASTIC differences that they initally aren't men. It's just sublte things like touching, hugging...things deemed "Homosexual" in some cultures are just what people do! I guess in some cultures a woman may not do certain things...i guess due to well Modern influences and possibly well certain fortunes...but I think it could come down to well personality as well.
Who knows...and really does it matter if we are all so different? I rather live in a world where i cna't understand about 2/3rds of this world then not be influenced by the quirks of certain cultures.
I like difference. Makes the world it is today.

Monday, August 21, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Well I had no idea but get this...there was a Jazz and Blues Bagpipe player!!! How tops is that. His name was Rufus Harley and unfortunaly he died on either 31st of July or 1st of August. Kinda cool hey! Pitty i didn't know about him until after he died!
Also recent scares that Ultra sound could harm your unborn BABY dun dun dunnn but doctors are trying to emphasise(how ever you spell that word) that mothers should still do Ultra sounds for the purpose of the babies well being...whilst it's in the womb.
Umm there was something else that was interesting but i can't remember what it was...ummm THE SPICE GIRLS AREN"T DEAD...yeah done that...
Umm yeah
Also recent scares that Ultra sound could harm your unborn BABY dun dun dunnn but doctors are trying to emphasise(how ever you spell that word) that mothers should still do Ultra sounds for the purpose of the babies well being...whilst it's in the womb.
Umm there was something else that was interesting but i can't remember what it was...ummm THE SPICE GIRLS AREN"T DEAD...yeah done that...
Umm yeah

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Spice Girls...will never be dead!
According to recent revelation that the Spice Girls were agoing to reunite...has of course brought back the 90's. It was speculated in July 2005 that they would be reuniting...but unfortunalty they didn't. Though other sources tell me that they have recorded a I hope that it's true.

Friday, August 18, 2006
Monday, July 31, 2006
What makes me laugh is the opposites in life. The things that make you look twice and essentially THINK!
LOL one day single next lets go have DINNER LOVE LOL it's great the things in life that make you laugh are what get you through the..9-5 crappy job. How people can be so right yet so wrong? then it comes the question is it all real?
Alarm goes at 9...
LOL one day single next lets go have DINNER LOVE LOL it's great the things in life that make you laugh are what get you through the..9-5 crappy job. How people can be so right yet so wrong? then it comes the question is it all real?
Alarm goes at 9...
Saturday, July 29, 2006
I was thinking last night standing around a drum full of fire...Thank you to Susan, Ed, Gonney and Buzz and Phill and anyone I have missed who conjured up a raging inferno...I learnt the AIRFLOW is VITAL!!! Words of wisdom from Susan!
But anyway I was thinking how much I have changed...maybe it's not that apparent to some but at the same time it's to me a huge Change! LOL I remember about a month or two ago and the mess I was in lol despite the fact I was indeed A DEAD TURTLE I love that metaphore...umm I was in a bit of a pickle. But last night I was like hey wow, I could have wolled in my misery and my mistakes and lived in my pj's eating chocolate for the rest of my life...but instead I did most of that but not for well more then a couple of days...and then it hit me... I am going to Italy.
Now when you realise that something that you would never have dreamed of happening begins to happen and becomes more then an email one fateful night and screaming and jumping up and down and then waking people up, as one runs through the halls...of Kerslake, and then is completly HISTERICAl whilst talking to ones father on the phone... It's now a reality...from 3 months to 2 months to 1 month to 3 weeks...2 weeks to 12 days and counting...Begins to FREAk me out.
I remember the people in my room when I found out. LOL they looked shocked and speechless and then the congrats thing and then ...scared I was so well over whelmed...LOL
But when the end is the end to my life in Tassie for a brief starts to think of the beginning. It's weird I can remember applying, I can remember the reasons at the beginning, I can remember thinking what the HELL am I DOING...I can remember not wanting to go...I can remebr something inside telling me, Everything will be ok.
By George-My fish- Everything is more then ok...Its AWSOME. Everytime I don't want to go, or panic about money or the fact I am going to ITALY for a year everything just seems to fall into place. LOL so Lex I may just find my MAFIA love in Italy!!
My Dad -the wise man he is- said that we make our own luck. It's true. When I was little I never thought I would even get to Uni. At highschool I couldn't believe I was going to finish school in a few years. In yr 12 I never thought I would be interested in Architecture...but thankfully those highschool crushes paid off LOL...and 1 1/2 yrs into a degree I never thought I would have the oppertunity to go to Italy. I never thought in my wildest dreams that all my hard work..and the OBSESSIVE NIGHTS OF PARTYING...LOL would evetually pay off to ammount to a monumental day in my life (only 12 days away). IT'S SO WEIRD...but I guess everything happens for a reason...I think so anyway.
But as my Dad says you make Your own luck. No matter if your in a ditch with pom poms you will become something if you work hard and put yourself out there to be something that you want to be. You have to believe in yourself to achieve something. Create the world in which you want to live in...if thats a card board box and bubble wrap....well thats tops! As long as your happy then everything will be ok!
LOL but with hard work comes the long nights, the failures, the hard work...obviously, but when you think about it...everything is hard..esp with lack of sleep and the aftermarth of alcohol and drugs etc...and just sometimes you feel like a dead turtle...well I beleive it's all ok. Smille and's gets you through alot!! LOL more then just awkward moments of not understanding people...LOL
LOL I never really knew what to write in these blogger things.. untill well last night when I was told LOL but yeah...kinda makes one sound like a...strange person...but hey according to the TV-ROOT OF ALL USLEESS AND GLORIOUS INFORMATION and KNOWLEDGE- blogs are palces for teenagers to express ones life...true. Some people just have a nack for these things...I just wish my internet was faster so I could do the picture thing again...but NOOOOO slow dial up! LOL so yeah my couple of days...
But anyway I really woudln't be here with out my parents...despite my STRONG DISLIKE for my mother, she can be ok esp when she pays for a really EXPENSIVE hair cut...HOW?? lol never understood hair. The beautful things my Dad comes out with. The love my brothers and I have for each other. The wisdom both of them have! But the people you meet in your life! The randoms, the people that you will never remember for anything else but "Are we too far south to see the southern cross?" LOL But the people who make you cry,because you love them so much. The people who make you dance in the supermarket. The people who make you smile. The people who make you hug. The people who make you love again. What more do you need? I think you need a HUG. *BIG HUG*
I know that people aren't as lucky as some. I think that those who have nothing but a smile on thier faces, are the people who will dance to the stars in the sky. They have something I want at times when the world around me is well falling apart, a smile...something i know some can't have, or do becasue of soemthing or another but people glow...excellent in the dark...but when someone smiles,you and then know everything will be ok!
So Find what is close to you and never let it go!
Dance to the music in your head!
Party Hard Rock On
Party Till your Purple!!
But anyway I was thinking how much I have changed...maybe it's not that apparent to some but at the same time it's to me a huge Change! LOL I remember about a month or two ago and the mess I was in lol despite the fact I was indeed A DEAD TURTLE I love that metaphore...umm I was in a bit of a pickle. But last night I was like hey wow, I could have wolled in my misery and my mistakes and lived in my pj's eating chocolate for the rest of my life...but instead I did most of that but not for well more then a couple of days...and then it hit me... I am going to Italy.
Now when you realise that something that you would never have dreamed of happening begins to happen and becomes more then an email one fateful night and screaming and jumping up and down and then waking people up, as one runs through the halls...of Kerslake, and then is completly HISTERICAl whilst talking to ones father on the phone... It's now a reality...from 3 months to 2 months to 1 month to 3 weeks...2 weeks to 12 days and counting...Begins to FREAk me out.
I remember the people in my room when I found out. LOL they looked shocked and speechless and then the congrats thing and then ...scared I was so well over whelmed...LOL
But when the end is the end to my life in Tassie for a brief starts to think of the beginning. It's weird I can remember applying, I can remember the reasons at the beginning, I can remember thinking what the HELL am I DOING...I can remember not wanting to go...I can remebr something inside telling me, Everything will be ok.
By George-My fish- Everything is more then ok...Its AWSOME. Everytime I don't want to go, or panic about money or the fact I am going to ITALY for a year everything just seems to fall into place. LOL so Lex I may just find my MAFIA love in Italy!!
My Dad -the wise man he is- said that we make our own luck. It's true. When I was little I never thought I would even get to Uni. At highschool I couldn't believe I was going to finish school in a few years. In yr 12 I never thought I would be interested in Architecture...but thankfully those highschool crushes paid off LOL...and 1 1/2 yrs into a degree I never thought I would have the oppertunity to go to Italy. I never thought in my wildest dreams that all my hard work..and the OBSESSIVE NIGHTS OF PARTYING...LOL would evetually pay off to ammount to a monumental day in my life (only 12 days away). IT'S SO WEIRD...but I guess everything happens for a reason...I think so anyway.
But as my Dad says you make Your own luck. No matter if your in a ditch with pom poms you will become something if you work hard and put yourself out there to be something that you want to be. You have to believe in yourself to achieve something. Create the world in which you want to live in...if thats a card board box and bubble wrap....well thats tops! As long as your happy then everything will be ok!
LOL but with hard work comes the long nights, the failures, the hard work...obviously, but when you think about it...everything is hard..esp with lack of sleep and the aftermarth of alcohol and drugs etc...and just sometimes you feel like a dead turtle...well I beleive it's all ok. Smille and's gets you through alot!! LOL more then just awkward moments of not understanding people...LOL
LOL I never really knew what to write in these blogger things.. untill well last night when I was told LOL but yeah...kinda makes one sound like a...strange person...but hey according to the TV-ROOT OF ALL USLEESS AND GLORIOUS INFORMATION and KNOWLEDGE- blogs are palces for teenagers to express ones life...true. Some people just have a nack for these things...I just wish my internet was faster so I could do the picture thing again...but NOOOOO slow dial up! LOL so yeah my couple of days...
But anyway I really woudln't be here with out my parents...despite my STRONG DISLIKE for my mother, she can be ok esp when she pays for a really EXPENSIVE hair cut...HOW?? lol never understood hair. The beautful things my Dad comes out with. The love my brothers and I have for each other. The wisdom both of them have! But the people you meet in your life! The randoms, the people that you will never remember for anything else but "Are we too far south to see the southern cross?" LOL But the people who make you cry,because you love them so much. The people who make you dance in the supermarket. The people who make you smile. The people who make you hug. The people who make you love again. What more do you need? I think you need a HUG. *BIG HUG*
I know that people aren't as lucky as some. I think that those who have nothing but a smile on thier faces, are the people who will dance to the stars in the sky. They have something I want at times when the world around me is well falling apart, a smile...something i know some can't have, or do becasue of soemthing or another but people glow...excellent in the dark...but when someone smiles,you and then know everything will be ok!
So Find what is close to you and never let it go!
Dance to the music in your head!
Party Hard Rock On
Party Till your Purple!!
Monday, July 24, 2006
HELLO Everyone that well comments on my blog...I should well read it more often LOL, anyway HI everyone and i hope all is well for people so far away!
Umm firstly to Answer Imo K's Question I offically leave on the 11th of August...umm which is randomly 17 odd days away...FREAKING OUT...ummm yeah!
And Erica..I have NO IDEA what time my blogs are on...but i know it;ay is about well 9hours BEHIND us dun dun dunnnn
Umm yeah...well ummm yeah.
HAve you noticed on american tv they run everywhere...I was watching Queer eye for the straight Guy which is kinda cool, they run everywhere...I got angry at them the other day for running everywhere...but i guess it's what they do!
So yeah...umm I better go cuase well i need to wake up EARLY bleh... LOL umm yeah anyway
Umm firstly to Answer Imo K's Question I offically leave on the 11th of August...umm which is randomly 17 odd days away...FREAKING OUT...ummm yeah!
And Erica..I have NO IDEA what time my blogs are on...but i know it;ay is about well 9hours BEHIND us dun dun dunnnn
Umm yeah...well ummm yeah.
HAve you noticed on american tv they run everywhere...I was watching Queer eye for the straight Guy which is kinda cool, they run everywhere...I got angry at them the other day for running everywhere...but i guess it's what they do!
So yeah...umm I better go cuase well i need to wake up EARLY bleh... LOL umm yeah anyway
Sunday, July 16, 2006
OK since this is well a blog and ALOT EASIER TO MANAGE then a MYSPACE THING I will use it.
I have just recently woken up from falling asleep on the couch. HI, and well yes.
I am going to Italy, those of you who do not wait i had an idea...i should make another one for my trip to has potential...
I have just recently woken up from falling asleep on the couch. HI, and well yes.
I am going to Italy, those of you who do not wait i had an idea...i should make another one for my trip to has potential...
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
I wish you could upload numerous files on the the same time ....DMAN THE WORLD!!!
As i am writing this is ma in the library and i am so in need of a far away in my room...they will kick me out b4 i finsih...bastards
i think itis casue they are soooo bad..i just scanned them in... yes please come and party with me..i am going ot send an email around... i got distracted with work b4...weird hey...but yeah please come out!!!
I am slowly getting there i think i have 3 ish more files to send to myself...note...remebr to bring Albert...thumb drive...i name all my stuff... Charles is my Ipod and Albert is my thumb drive and "my Baby" is my puter!!!
Oh only 2 to go YESSS*napolian Dynamite* LOL Love that movie soooooo cooooolll
I think ihave bad breath so i am goign to brush my teeth once i have finished here!!!
ONLY ONE MORE NOE MORE!!! ever u spell it
I hope Everyone watched Eurovision Last night cause I DID and haven't stoppped talking about it all day and i am going to get them ALLL from SPANNER- My friend!!!
OH POTEBNTIALLY the last one as i have to double check that i have them all and then SEND AWAY..and then put the journals back!!
Oooo i had missed one...potentially an important one!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNN
So i think after i tripple check that i have them all that i can leave and brush my teeth...ahh the bliss...
I really want chips/crisps but i can't be bothered buying them in vendingmachine 10 meters form my room... and i want like a potentially big i might just make rice...
YAY to go up the stairs and put them back on the shelf...trolleya dn then brush teeth
Have a great one PPLE!!!
As i am writing this is ma in the library and i am so in need of a far away in my room...they will kick me out b4 i finsih...bastards
i think itis casue they are soooo bad..i just scanned them in... yes please come and party with me..i am going ot send an email around... i got distracted with work b4...weird hey...but yeah please come out!!!
I am slowly getting there i think i have 3 ish more files to send to myself...note...remebr to bring Albert...thumb drive...i name all my stuff... Charles is my Ipod and Albert is my thumb drive and "my Baby" is my puter!!!
Oh only 2 to go YESSS*napolian Dynamite* LOL Love that movie soooooo cooooolll
I think ihave bad breath so i am goign to brush my teeth once i have finished here!!!
ONLY ONE MORE NOE MORE!!! ever u spell it
I hope Everyone watched Eurovision Last night cause I DID and haven't stoppped talking about it all day and i am going to get them ALLL from SPANNER- My friend!!!
OH POTEBNTIALLY the last one as i have to double check that i have them all and then SEND AWAY..and then put the journals back!!
Oooo i had missed one...potentially an important one!!! DUN DUN DUNNNNN
So i think after i tripple check that i have them all that i can leave and brush my teeth...ahh the bliss...
I really want chips/crisps but i can't be bothered buying them in vendingmachine 10 meters form my room... and i want like a potentially big i might just make rice...
YAY to go up the stairs and put them back on the shelf...trolleya dn then brush teeth
Have a great one PPLE!!!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
I have now offically got over the whole dead turtle's all good...but i am still dead...and will be for a while till...the whole reincarnation thing happens.
I now have
Friday-Final client presentation for LBM...SCARED
Sunday-PARTY-B'day and DaD'S b'day
And then a whole week of crap..I have now offically decided that i am screwed for my school work...oh yes...very screwed!!! Essay will be done tomorrow...need to get pretty pictures. It's actually kinda hard to force yourself not to do many pple would deate that though! it is kinda well as resisting to listen to Holly Valance!!! LOL
So yes...i was looking at Italstuff and i freaked out and had a MAJOR AHHHHHHH panic loosing head moment!!! and wnet nuts...inside though! and i got a bit freaked out like MAJORLY and am very veyr vyer scared about gogin to italy and i am panicing at the moment. my heart is racing and i have's scary!! AHHHHHHHHHHH
Kat's gem for today: Find out what is close to you and Never let it go!
I have a design thing due at the end of the month and i am freaking majorly....i just need to relax but i can't... it hink the shark is still aorund...not cool...even though being dead i am still... a shell...floating...hmmm
These are words from Allana " *speechlessly look at me* What do you want me to say?...I have had a pretty uneventful day watching Josh puke up i dont' really have much to say"- Allana!
Words form MAt- " Aye! I've only had one root since I've been in Tassie mate casue well I'm here to study" -Mat
Wow not as deep!!!But profound none the less
But hey life gets relaxing with noodle...LOL
OK washing brb
Can't put it int he dryer cause none are free.... arg!!
ok i am goin gnow!!! lol
I now have
Friday-Final client presentation for LBM...SCARED
Sunday-PARTY-B'day and DaD'S b'day
And then a whole week of crap..I have now offically decided that i am screwed for my school work...oh yes...very screwed!!! Essay will be done tomorrow...need to get pretty pictures. It's actually kinda hard to force yourself not to do many pple would deate that though! it is kinda well as resisting to listen to Holly Valance!!! LOL
So yes...i was looking at Italstuff and i freaked out and had a MAJOR AHHHHHHH panic loosing head moment!!! and wnet nuts...inside though! and i got a bit freaked out like MAJORLY and am very veyr vyer scared about gogin to italy and i am panicing at the moment. my heart is racing and i have's scary!! AHHHHHHHHHHH
Kat's gem for today: Find out what is close to you and Never let it go!
I have a design thing due at the end of the month and i am freaking majorly....i just need to relax but i can't... it hink the shark is still aorund...not cool...even though being dead i am still... a shell...floating...hmmm
These are words from Allana " *speechlessly look at me* What do you want me to say?...I have had a pretty uneventful day watching Josh puke up i dont' really have much to say"- Allana!
Words form MAt- " Aye! I've only had one root since I've been in Tassie mate casue well I'm here to study" -Mat
Wow not as deep!!!But profound none the less
But hey life gets relaxing with noodle...LOL
OK washing brb
Can't put it int he dryer cause none are free.... arg!!
ok i am goin gnow!!! lol
Monday, May 15, 2006
As always when i creat "POST'S" I should be 'working' but as i am kinda finished but just prolonging the torture of work...casue i can so i will...i have decided to UPDATE my FANTSTICLY...not updated blog!!!
So as of today this is my life...
Monday (today)-History
Tuesday-Stage and Set Design + History
Wednesday-Stage and Set design Client meeting...AHHHHHH +History
Thursday- History Presentation
Friday- History Essay
Saturday-Essay +Design+Friends
Monday-Design+ Essay
Tuesday-Design + Essay
Wednesday -Design + Essay
Thursday- Essay Due
Saturday-Design +BTD
Sunday -Sleep
My next two weeks...and on top of that I have to organise ITALY..DUN DUN DUN Yes i am going to the boot!! Sooo friggin scared and freaked out and stressed...but AHHHH life's like a box a choclotes you never know what ya gonna get! LOL Forest gump a LEGEND!!!!
Yes i have been OFFICALLY ACCEPTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA...IN italy between florence and venice. I dunno which one come first. SO yes!!! i am goign to italy...scared...petrefied...worried...stressed...everthing at one...good thing i have skin hey!
So as a result I will proble be having a bye bye party...i dunno if that jsut totally killed the whole "Enthusiam" of the word PARTY or jsut my dull cold and morbid...stressed mood??? hmm but i have biscuits i don't reallly want to eat but hey they are here so i am trying to eat them...strange...hmm yes... ok
Umm what else...i have m ring back !!! thanks to Erica who searched for it in Parliment gardens amongst leaves...I went for a 12hr drive...casue i felt like it...and lost my ring in hobart throwing leaves around!!! HEHEHEHEeeee....evil!!! \/
So yes umm love life...can be described as I am the turtle and i am being EATEN, ATTAKED, DEVOURED, KILLED by a Shark...catch my drift?? LOL so yes..I am now...trying to recover form the GRRR ANGER moment from the SHARK...and be a de-limbed turtled drifting in the ocean...hopefully alive...dunno how it's going though...we shall see...

It's the best i could find...kinda worried at looking at thing devour other things...bleh...well i can indeed ensire you that tiger sharks like turtles...bleh
So yes i am now about to go back to my fantastic POWER POINT PRESENTATION ON A STUPID BUILDING that looks weird go to and thats it...the weird building!
Intersting but...
PARTY HARD ROCK ON WOOT-theres somethign that hasn't been around for a while!!!
So as of today this is my life...
Monday (today)-History
Tuesday-Stage and Set Design + History
Wednesday-Stage and Set design Client meeting...AHHHHHH +History
Thursday- History Presentation
Friday- History Essay
Saturday-Essay +Design+Friends
Monday-Design+ Essay
Tuesday-Design + Essay
Wednesday -Design + Essay
Thursday- Essay Due
Saturday-Design +BTD
Sunday -Sleep
My next two weeks...and on top of that I have to organise ITALY..DUN DUN DUN Yes i am going to the boot!! Sooo friggin scared and freaked out and stressed...but AHHHH life's like a box a choclotes you never know what ya gonna get! LOL Forest gump a LEGEND!!!!
Yes i have been OFFICALLY ACCEPTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA...IN italy between florence and venice. I dunno which one come first. SO yes!!! i am goign to italy...scared...petrefied...worried...stressed...everthing at one...good thing i have skin hey!
So as a result I will proble be having a bye bye party...i dunno if that jsut totally killed the whole "Enthusiam" of the word PARTY or jsut my dull cold and morbid...stressed mood??? hmm but i have biscuits i don't reallly want to eat but hey they are here so i am trying to eat them...strange...hmm yes... ok
Umm what else...i have m ring back !!! thanks to Erica who searched for it in Parliment gardens amongst leaves...I went for a 12hr drive...casue i felt like it...and lost my ring in hobart throwing leaves around!!! HEHEHEHEeeee....evil!!! \/
So yes umm love life...can be described as I am the turtle and i am being EATEN, ATTAKED, DEVOURED, KILLED by a Shark...catch my drift?? LOL so yes..I am now...trying to recover form the GRRR ANGER moment from the SHARK...and be a de-limbed turtled drifting in the ocean...hopefully alive...dunno how it's going though...we shall see...

It's the best i could find...kinda worried at looking at thing devour other things...bleh...well i can indeed ensire you that tiger sharks like turtles...bleh
So yes i am now about to go back to my fantastic POWER POINT PRESENTATION ON A STUPID BUILDING that looks weird go to and thats it...the weird building!
Intersting but...
PARTY HARD ROCK ON WOOT-theres somethign that hasn't been around for a while!!!
Friday, January 13, 2006
SHE IS ALIVE Claire Gardener IS i mught have a YAY...ISn't she beautiful LOL!!!!

So having seen claire and have prepared myself FOR THE ULTIMATE IN BLOGGING i have dragged the couch over to the baby...and have got Charles my IPOD next to me and i am ready for anything LOL!!! WEE
I have been inspired...hopefully this works...I know pple might get angry at me..i am sorry...I would liek to introduce you tooo the awsome people in my life!!!
Firstly my family!!!
Meet Ronald Garry Yost...aka...Dad

He is born on the 28th of MAy...1953...OLD i know lOl umm what else..he's my dad a legend LOVE HIM!!! LOL ummm ok now to other pple...
Meet Sean Ronald Yost...aka Sean and Lisa Kasiniak...aka...Lisa..they are getting married..don't tell anyon ehtough...LOL YAY SHHHHH it's a secret..they didn't say we couldn't say yes YAY SO yay Sean born 13th of Feb 1983 Lisa 29th of Jan 1983 or soemthing...i dunno...
Meet Jared Ronald Yost...aka Bubbles lol he's born on the 29th of May 1990...he's nUTS like psycho a weird little brother way..he loves cars...annoying and very mean...nasty pasty but he's got a good heart!! Love him!

So my kinda immediate family
Well i am going to move to my friends..first HOBART pple....
Meet Philippa She's cool inmelb at the moment!!! YAY lol

Meet Nikki and Bec. They are here in Hobart and soon won't be..sad...moving to melb(nikki) and England(bec).

Meet Simon Kunal Elyse Philip.G Jay and Heath is infront. I have no idea where they are..i think in Tassie still!! WEE!!!

Meet Anna and Phil LOL they are cool!!!

Meet Ian, he's in CHINA I KNOW very lucky person comes home soon WEE lol

Meet AAron He's cool HELL SMART!!! YAY

Meet James he's smart too!!!

Meet TObey He's NUTS lol nah he's cool

Meet Susan. Sh'es the SHIZ!!! A crack up!!!

Meet Jet, She came back from Mexico and the Caribian OOO NICE LUCKY

AHHH Meet Clairissa (Clairi) and Philip G in the back round.

Meet Ed. He'si think on a boat somewhere sailing that woudl be fun...scary tooo

Meet Matt, he's cool LOL everytime he gets drunk and i am around i draw a pirate face on him!! lOL

lol I AM NOW AT WORK WHERE I HAVE no MORE PICTURES OF MY FRIENDS lol soooo i will post random pictures up because i can...YAY and the internet is fast YAY!!!



NOw this is cool go to
I must go now i think cause i have to WORK...DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN OHHHHH NOOO

So having seen claire and have prepared myself FOR THE ULTIMATE IN BLOGGING i have dragged the couch over to the baby...and have got Charles my IPOD next to me and i am ready for anything LOL!!! WEE
I have been inspired...hopefully this works...I know pple might get angry at me..i am sorry...I would liek to introduce you tooo the awsome people in my life!!!
Firstly my family!!!
Meet Ronald Garry Yost...aka...Dad

He is born on the 28th of MAy...1953...OLD i know lOl umm what else..he's my dad a legend LOVE HIM!!! LOL ummm ok now to other pple...
Meet Sean Ronald Yost...aka Sean and Lisa Kasiniak...aka...Lisa..they are getting married..don't tell anyon ehtough...LOL YAY SHHHHH it's a secret..they didn't say we couldn't say yes YAY SO yay Sean born 13th of Feb 1983 Lisa 29th of Jan 1983 or soemthing...i dunno...

Meet Jared Ronald Yost...aka Bubbles lol he's born on the 29th of May 1990...he's nUTS like psycho a weird little brother way..he loves cars...annoying and very mean...nasty pasty but he's got a good heart!! Love him!

So my kinda immediate family
Well i am going to move to my friends..first HOBART pple....
Meet Philippa She's cool inmelb at the moment!!! YAY lol

Meet Nikki and Bec. They are here in Hobart and soon won't be..sad...moving to melb(nikki) and England(bec).

Meet Simon Kunal Elyse Philip.G Jay and Heath is infront. I have no idea where they are..i think in Tassie still!! WEE!!!

Meet Anna and Phil LOL they are cool!!!

Meet Ian, he's in CHINA I KNOW very lucky person comes home soon WEE lol

Meet AAron He's cool HELL SMART!!! YAY

Meet James he's smart too!!!

Meet TObey He's NUTS lol nah he's cool

Meet Susan. Sh'es the SHIZ!!! A crack up!!!

Meet Jet, She came back from Mexico and the Caribian OOO NICE LUCKY

AHHH Meet Clairissa (Clairi) and Philip G in the back round.

Meet Ed. He'si think on a boat somewhere sailing that woudl be fun...scary tooo

Meet Matt, he's cool LOL everytime he gets drunk and i am around i draw a pirate face on him!! lOL

lol I AM NOW AT WORK WHERE I HAVE no MORE PICTURES OF MY FRIENDS lol soooo i will post random pictures up because i can...YAY and the internet is fast YAY!!!



NOw this is cool go to
I must go now i think cause i have to WORK...DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN OHHHHH NOOO
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Blogs of intrest for random comments...
"// A LIFE
"// ")
Yes i have now embarked on something no Me has ever done. I will...did you know thta LITTLE PPLE ARE EVIL...why are they evil? what makes them so grousome and horendous? Is it cause th are just Emo and angry about being here and never geting what they wanty? Is it the stupid lollie companies around that promot bad health by promoting candy? AHHH the evil things...
peanut butter and Jam sandwhiches are yummy
Vampires wow learnt tuff today about em...
Lions are fascinating...did u know the lion from the Narnia book is actually a SOUTH AFRICAN a lion form the southern parts of africa..It's belived to be extinct. It has a really big mane which goes under its belly liek that of the lion thing Mr Agnuisha dude King yeah a bit of trivia for you I learnt that from a t.v in south africa so WEE!!
wallace and gromit ROCK!!! SMASHING
Goths...want attention or not?
12 hours of Steve Erwin is on Discovery Channel "CRICKEY"
Mummies are seen as an art sculpture thing...also dea bodies have been used as art...some german dude would make exploded views of them weird weird weird strangely cool though...btw some of the mummies were stolen...WHO WOULD STEAL A MUMMY???
Yeah that was all of my weird stuff i had to talk about...yeah...and now pic
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\wee-wee_pads.jpg
Weird Hey....
Have a good one!!!! ")
"// A LIFE
"// ")
Yes i have now embarked on something no Me has ever done. I will...did you know thta LITTLE PPLE ARE EVIL...why are they evil? what makes them so grousome and horendous? Is it cause th are just Emo and angry about being here and never geting what they wanty? Is it the stupid lollie companies around that promot bad health by promoting candy? AHHH the evil things...
peanut butter and Jam sandwhiches are yummy
Vampires wow learnt tuff today about em...
Lions are fascinating...did u know the lion from the Narnia book is actually a SOUTH AFRICAN a lion form the southern parts of africa..It's belived to be extinct. It has a really big mane which goes under its belly liek that of the lion thing Mr Agnuisha dude King yeah a bit of trivia for you I learnt that from a t.v in south africa so WEE!!
wallace and gromit ROCK!!! SMASHING
Goths...want attention or not?
12 hours of Steve Erwin is on Discovery Channel "CRICKEY"
Mummies are seen as an art sculpture thing...also dea bodies have been used as art...some german dude would make exploded views of them weird weird weird strangely cool though...btw some of the mummies were stolen...WHO WOULD STEAL A MUMMY???
Yeah that was all of my weird stuff i had to talk about...yeah...and now pic
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\wee-wee_pads.jpg
Weird Hey....
Have a good one!!!! ")
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